Saturday 9 August 2014

Lessons I have learned since the "big chop" (I AM NOT MY HAIR)

I cut my luscious locks, (I insist they were luscious). It should be noted that when I cut my hair, I was not having a Britney Spears moment neither was I joining the natural hair movement . More power to all the naturalistas out there. I do not remember the exact date I cut my hair because, well nothing is ever that serious. I cut my hair and Halleluiah, can I please get an AMEN,  I did not die, my life did not stop but most importantly I feel more beautiful and confident than ever.

       Before the big chop, I was not lying about the luscious locks.

                              Day one of this short hair life, killing it with my wet look

I have learned so much since I cut my hair. My favorite lesson is that everything is easier with short hair.  I even sleep easy with my short hair.

I love lists so here is a list of the biggest lessons I have learned since I cut my hair.

Zero tact

One of the first lessons I learned after cutting my hair is that, Everyone just lacks tact, People know absolutely nothing about being subtle, having a bit of tact or laying it on me nice and slow. After I cut my hair, several people in my family obviously didn't like it and they were not going to be quiet about it. (Bakiga Oyee) One of them just came up to me and whispered. "If you can no longer afford to visit a hair dresser just say so, as a matter of fact here is the money" he then handed me the money and I just went out and had me some ice cream. I still don't know why he whispered. That was probably his way of being subtle.

 Sadly, people are very superficial.

I decided to cut my hair because every single person I asked said I should not cut my hair. I heard so many annoying and superficial reasons why i shouldn't cut it. Oh a woman's hair is her crowning glory, you will look like a guy, oh you will look like a mother of five, but the shape of your head, short hair is not for you. With every other person I asked, the reasons just kept getting so shallow and even more superficial. These damn reasons are the reason aliens will not speak to us. It was just sad to listen to how people were all absorbed with what I looked like on the outside. Since I cut my hair I have learned that I am probably too grown to care if short hair makes me look like a mother of 5 or a chubby boy with man boobs. What is so wrong with looking like that?

Eff your Beauty standards, I refuse to conform,
After the big chop, I heard from a few of my former friends ( yes , former friends, we were not staying friends after their nastiness)  that I didn't look beautiful with short hair. I did not even try to reason with them. I learned a long time ago that ugly is not the worst thing you can call me. I am not that petty.

I look pretty awesome with short hair, wooop wooop  (nuff said, no need for any supporting statements)

I am not my hair

The most important lesson I have learned though is that I will never let my hair define me. short, long, not so long, dry, wavy, curly, weaved or braided. I will continue to love me fiercely.